Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Image of showing spoon contains omega 3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are a group of essential nutrients that play a vital role in maintaining optimal health. From cardiovascular health to brain function and reduced inflammation, the benefits of omega-3s are widely recognized. In …

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West Bengal Health Scheme (WBHS)

Logo image of West Bengal Health Scheme (WBHS)

West Bengal Health Scheme (WBHS) is a state government initiative that aims to provide comprehensive health coverage to the residents of West Bengal, India. Launched with the objective of ensuring affordable and accessible healthcare services …

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Best Isometric Neck Exercises

Image depicting a person performing isometric neck exercises

Many people spend long hours sitting at desks, working on computers, and constantly looking down at their smartphones. This sedentary lifestyle, coupled with poor posture, can lead to a variety of neck-related issues such as …

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Sattu Nutrition – A Nutritional Marvel for Energy

A bowl filled with sattu, showcasing its fine, light brown texture.

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on Sattu Nutrition! here, we will explore the incredible health benefits and nutritional value of sattu, a traditional Indian superfood. Sattu has been used for centuries and has recently gained …

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Balwadi Nutrition Programme (BNP)

Balwadi Nutrition Programme: Happy children enjoying nutritious meals, symbolizing the success

The Balwadi Nutrition Programme (BNP) is a crucial initiative aimed at improving the health and well-being of young children in India. With a focus on providing nutritious meals and essential healthcare services, this program plays …

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Unlocking the Power of Nutrition Week

Unlocking the Power of Nutrition Week to highlighting the importance of healthy eating during this Week.

Nutrition affects our physical and mental well-being, our energy levels, and our ability to fight off diseases. It’s no wonder that the power of Nutrition Week has become an essential event worldwide, dedicated to raising …

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