Mission Indradhanush – Universal Immunization in India

Mission Indradhanush is an ambitious initiative launched on 25 December 2014 by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) (Government of India), which aims to provide universal immunization to children and pregnant women across the country.
The name “Indradhanush” symbolizes the seven colors of the rainbow, representing the seven vaccines targeted under this mission. With a focus on reaching the underprivileged, the program plays a vital role in reducing child mortality and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. The diseases targeted are diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, poliomyelitis, tuberculosis, measles, meningitis and hepatitis B.

In this article, we will explain in detail the important aspects of Mission Indradhanush, its objectives, achievements and its impact on India’s healthcare system.


Objectives of Mission Indradhanush

Mission Indradhanush has set 6 key objectives to strengthen and expand vaccination coverage in India:
  • Immunization of all children under two years of age, as well as pregnant women, against seven vaccine-preventable diseases, namely diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, polio, tuberculosis, measles and hepatitis B.
  • To provide vaccination services to children and pregnant women in urban slums, remote areas and hard-to-reach populations.
  • To ensure that at least 90% vaccination coverage is achieved in all districts across the country.
  • Introducing new vaccines like rotavirus vaccine and inactivated polio vaccine to further strengthen the immunization programme.
  • Strengthening the existing health care system through capacity building, training and better monitoring to effectively address vaccination gaps.
  • To promote inter-ministerial and inter-departmental coordination to achieve the desired vaccination targets.

Implementation Strategies

Mission Indradhanush adopts several innovative strategies to ensure the success of the program:
Intensive Vaccination Campaign: The program conducts vaccination campaigns for seven consecutive days in high-risk areas to maximize rapid coverage.
Identification of high-risk areas: The program identifies areas with low vaccination coverage through a mapping exercise and focuses on reaching these underserved populations.
Mobilizing health workers: Trained health workers, including Asha workers, ANMs and volunteers, play a vital role in creating awareness, mobilizing communities and providing vaccination services at the grassroots level.
Strengthening routine vaccination: Mission Indradhanush places equal emphasis on strengthening routine vaccination services, ensuring a continuous supply of vaccines and improving cold chain infrastructure.
Intensive monitoring and accountability: Regular monitoring, data collection and review at various levels helps in identifying deficiencies and taking immediate corrective action.
Convergence with other programs: Mission Indradhanush collaborates with other government initiatives such as Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) and National Health Mission (NHM) to maximize reach and impact.

Achievements and Impact

Mission Indradhanush has made significant progress since its inception. The program has achieved the following achievements:

Increase in vaccination coverage:

Mission Indradhanush has significantly improved vaccination rates across the country. According to government data, more than 3.39 crore vaccinations were administered during the first two phases of the program, with coverage increasing from 0.3% to 5.1% in 201 districts.

Reaching vulnerable populations:

The initiative has successfully reached children and pregnant women from marginalized communities, urban slums and remote areas, ensuring that no child is left behind.

Introduction of new vaccines:

Mission Indradhanush introduced new vaccines, such as the pentavalent vaccine, which protects against five diseases, and the measles-rubella vaccine, contributing to a more comprehensive immunization program.

Strengthening healthcare infrastructure:

The program has improved cold chain storage facilities, trained health workers, and advanced surveillance systems, thereby strengthening the overall health care infrastructure in the country.

Reduction in Child Mortality:

By increasing vaccination coverage, Mission Indradhanush has played a significant role in reducing child mortality and saving countless lives.

Challenges Faced by Mission Indradhanush

While Mission Indradhanush has made significant progress in improving vaccination coverage in India, it also faces several challenges in achieving universal vaccination coverage. These challenges include:

Inadequate awareness and misconceptions:

Lack of awareness about the importance of vaccination and misconceptions about vaccines pose a significant challenge. There may be misconceptions about the safety and efficacy of vaccines in some communities, leading to vaccine hesitancy and resistance.

Hard-to-reach populations:

Mission Indradhanush aims to reach underserved populations, including people living in remote areas, urban slums and migrant populations. These populations often face barriers such as limited access to health facilities, transportation issues, and language barriers, making it challenging to deliver vaccination services to them.

Weak healthcare infrastructure:

In some areas, health care infrastructure, including cold chain storage facilities and trained health workers, may be inadequate or poorly maintained. This may result in improper storage and administration of vaccines, affecting their effectiveness.

Socioeconomic factors:

Socioeconomic factors such as poverty, illiteracy and lack of awareness can hinder vaccination efforts. Households facing economic challenges may prioritize other immediate needs over vaccination, which may lead to lower vaccination rates.

High population density:

India’s large population and high population density creates logistical challenges in reaching vaccination services to every child and pregnant woman. Covering such a large number of individuals requires extensive planning, coordination and resources.

Vaccine supply and logistics:

Ensuring a continuous supply of vaccines, maintaining their quality during transportation and managing the logistics of distributing vaccines to different locations can be challenging, especially in remote areas with limited infrastructure.

Data collection and monitoring:

Timely and accurate data collection, monitoring and reporting is important to identify vaccination gaps and take corrective action. However, challenges in data collection systems, delays in reporting and lack of real-time data can hinder effective monitoring and decision making.

Cultural and social barriers:

Cultural beliefs, traditional practices and social norms may affect the acceptance and uptake of vaccines in some communities. Sensitivity to cultural practices and effective communication strategies are necessary to overcome these barriers.
Tackling these challenges requires a multipronged approach that includes community participation, awareness campaigns, targeted interventions, capacity building, strengthening health care infrastructure and collaboration with various stakeholders including the government, health service providers, community leaders and civil society organizations. Involves continuous cooperation between.

Intensified Mission Indradhanush 2.0

Intensified Mission Indradhanush (IMI) is an upgraded phase of the Mission Indradhanush initiative launched by the Government of India in 2017. With new focus and intensified efforts, IMI aims to further accelerate progress in achieving universal immunization coverage. Get indulge and explore the key features, objectives, strategies and impact of Intensified Mission Indradhanush 2.0 in strengthening India’s vaccination programme.

Highlights of Intensified Mission Indradhanush

Intensified Mission Indradhanush includes several key features to enhance the reach and effectiveness of the vaccination programme:


Intensive Immunization Campaign: IMI conducts four rounds of vaccination campaigns every year, including two regular vaccination rounds and two special vaccination rounds. These campaigns aim to cover areas with low vaccination coverage and high disease burden.


Focus on high-priority districts: IMI identifies high priority districts based on low vaccination coverage and high number of unvaccinated children. These districts receive special attention and resources to improve vaccination services.


Convergence with other programs: IMI emphasizes convergence with other government initiatives such as the National Health Mission and Integrated Child Development Services to ensure comprehensive health services for children and pregnant women.


Intensive monitoring and accountability: Regular monitoring, data collection and review at all levels helps to identify deficiencies, track progress and take prompt corrective action. This ensures accountability and improves the overall performance of the programme.

Objectives of Intensive Mission Indradhanush

Intensified Mission Indradhanush has set ambitious objectives to accelerate universal vaccination coverage in India:


* Immunization of all children up to two years of age and pregnant women against seven vaccine-preventable diseases, including diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, polio, tuberculosis, measles and hepatitis B.


* To achieve at least 90% vaccination coverage in selected districts and blocks.


*To vaccinate children who are excluded or left out of routine vaccination, including children in hard-to-reach areas, urban slums and marginalized communities.


* Introducing new vaccines like Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine and Rotavirus Vaccine to further strengthen the vaccination programme.


Strategies for Success

Intensified Mission Indradhanush adopts several strategies to achieve its objectives and ensure the success of the programme:

Microplanning and mapping

Complete micro-planning exercises are conducted to identify areas with low vaccination coverage and children who are deprived of vaccination. The mapping exercise helps in targeting resources and focusing on high priority districts and blocks.

Intensive training and capacity building

Health care workers, including ASHA workers, auxiliary nurse midwives (ANMs) and Anganwadi workers, receive specialized training to enhance their knowledge and skills in effectively providing vaccination services.

Community engagement and mobilization:
IMI emphasizes on community engagement to create awareness about the importance of vaccination. Mobilization activities such as community meetings, door-to-door campaigns and behavior change communication are conducted to encourage parents and caregivers to vaccinate their children.
Strengthening cold chain infrastructure:

Maintaining the integrity of vaccines is critical to their effectiveness. IMI focuses on strengthening the cold chain infrastructure including storage, transportation and monitoring of vaccines to ensure the quality of the vaccines.


Real-time monitoring and data management

IMI uses technology for real-time monitoring and data management. This helps track the progress of vaccination coverage, identify gaps and take immediate corrective action.


Intensified Mission Indradhanush 3.0

Intensified Mission Indradhanush 3.0 (IMI 3.0) is the latest phase of the Mission Indradhanush initiative launched by the Government of India to achieve universal immunization coverage. Building on the success of its predecessors, IMI 3.0 aims to further accelerate and expand vaccination efforts.

Let’s elaborate the key features, objectives, strategies and expected impact of the Intensified Mission Indradhanush 3.0 plan in strengthening India’s vaccination program.


Highlights of Intensified Mission Indradhanush 3.0

Intensified Mission Indradhanush 3.0 includes several key features to increase the reach and effectiveness of vaccination services:


Focused approach
IMI 3.0 adopts a focused approach by targeting districts and blocks with low immunization coverage and high number of unvaccinated children. This allows tailored interventions and resource allocation where they are most needed.


Intensive Immunization Campaign
The scheme organizes four rounds of vaccination drives every year, including both routine and special vaccination rounds. These rounds aim to cover children who have missed or missed routine vaccination, including children from hard-to-reach areas and marginalized communities.


Integration with other programmes:
IMI 3.0 emphasizes integration with other government initiatives such as the National Health Mission and Integrated Child Development Services. This integration ensures provision of comprehensive health services and strengthens the overall health care system.


D. Strengthening cold chain infrastructure: IMI 3.0 emphasizes on improving cold chain infrastructure including storage, transportation and monitoring of vaccines. This ensures the quality and potency of the vaccines, which is crucial for their effectiveness.

Objectives of Intensified Mission Indradhanush 3.0

Intensified Mission Indradhanush 3.0 aims to achieve the following objectives:


1. Immunization of all children up to two years of age and pregnant women against seven vaccine-preventable diseases, including diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, polio, tuberculosis, measles and hepatitis B.


2. To ensure at least 90% vaccination coverage in selected districts and blocks, thereby reducing the prevalence of vaccine-preventable diseases and improving public health outcomes.


3. Addressing demand-side factors: IMI 3.0 seeks to address demand-side factors by creating awareness about the importance of vaccination, dispelling myths and misconceptions, and motivating communities to actively participate in the vaccination drive .


4. Strengthening Health Systems: The scheme aims to strengthen the health care system by enhancing the capacity of health workers, improving data management and surveillance systems and ensuring availability of vaccines and essential supplies.

Strategies for Success
Intensified Mission Indradhanush 3.0 uses several strategies to achieve its objectives and ensure the success of the scheme:
1. Intensive micro-planning and mapping: Intensive micro-planning exercises are conducted to identify high-risk areas and populations with low vaccination coverage. Mapping exercises help identify gaps and target resources effectively.

2. Enhanced Community Engagement: IMI 3.0 emphasizes community engagement and mobilization to create awareness, address misconceptions, and encourage parents and caregivers to vaccinate their children. This includes community meetings, social mobilization and behavior change communication.


3. Strengthening the healthcare workforce: The scheme focuses on training and capacity building of healthcare workers including Asha workers, ANMs and Anganwadi workers. It enhances their skills in providing vaccination services, monitoring and data management.


4. Real-time monitoring and data management: IMI 3.0 uses technology for real-time monitoring, data collection and reporting. This enables quick identification of deficiencies, tracking of progress and taking timely corrective action.

4. Expected Effect
Intensified Mission Indradhanush 3.0 is expected to have a significant impact on India’s vaccination program and public health outcomes:
Improved vaccination coverage: By accelerating vaccination drives and targeting high-risk areas, IMI 3.0 aims to increase vaccination coverage, ensuring that more children and pregnant women receive life-saving vaccines.

Reduction in vaccine-preventable diseases: The Plan’s efforts to reach underserved populations and strengthen health care systems are expected to contribute to reducing the burden of vaccine-preventable diseases, thereby improving health outcomes.


Strong health care infrastructure: By focusing on capacity building, data management and strengthening cold chain infrastructure, IMI 3.0 aims to enhance the overall health care infrastructure, which will benefit the vaccination program and the broader health care system in India.


Equity in vaccination coverage: IMI 3.0’s emphasis on reaching marginalized communities and underserved populations ensures that vaccination services are accessible to all, reducing disparities in health care and promoting equity.

Intensified Mission Indradhanush 4.0

Intensified Mission Indradhanush 4.0 (IMI 4.0) is the latest phase of the Mission Indradhanush initiative launched by the Government of India to achieve universal immunization coverage. Building on the success of its predecessors, IMI 4.0 aims to advance vaccination efforts and address remaining challenges.

Highlights of Intensified Mission Indradhanush 4.0
Intensified Mission Indradhanush 4.0 includes several key features to increase the reach and effectiveness of vaccination services:

Targeted approach: IMI 4.0 adopts a targeted approach by focusing on districts and blocks with persistently low vaccination coverage. This ensures that resources are directed to areas of greatest need, resulting in more equitable coverage.

Intensive Immunization Campaign: The scheme organizes several rounds of intensive vaccination campaigns throughout the year, aiming to cover children and pregnant women who have missed routine vaccination. These campaigns focus on reaching vulnerable and hard-to-reach populations.


Strengthening routine immunization: IMI 4.0 emphasizes strengthening routine immunization services, including improving the quality and availability of vaccines, enhancing cold chain infrastructure, and optimizing service delivery mechanisms.


Convergence and Partnership: The scheme promotes convergence and partnership with multiple stakeholders including government departments, civil society organizations and international agencies. The objective of this collaboration is to leverage resources, expertise and knowledge for effective implementation.


Objectives of Intensified Mission Indradhanush 4.0

Universal immunization coverage: The scheme seeks to achieve universal immunization coverage, ensuring that all children up to two years of age and pregnant women receive recommended vaccines.


Targeted interventions: IMI 4.0 focuses on targeted interventions in high-priority districts and blocks with low vaccination coverage, aiming to bridge existing gaps and reduce disparities.


Strengthening Health Systems: The scheme aims to strengthen health systems by enhancing the capacity of health workers, improving data management and surveillance systems and ensuring availability of vaccines and essential supplies.


Demand generation and behavior change: IMI 4.0 emphasizes demand generation activities to create awareness about the importance of vaccination, overcome vaccine hesitancy and promote positive behavior change among parents and caregivers.


Strategies for Success

Intensified Mission Indradhanush 4.0 uses several strategies to achieve its objectives and ensure the success of the scheme:


Intensive micro-planning and mapping: Detailed micro-planning exercises are conducted to identify areas and populations with low vaccination coverage. The mapping exercise helps target resources and interventions effectively, while ensuring comprehensive coverage.


Strengthening routine immunization services: IMI 4.0 focuses on strengthening routine immunization services by addressing infrastructure deficiencies, ensuring availability of vaccines and essential supplies, and enhancing the skills and knowledge of health workers.


Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Interventions: The scheme uses ICT interventions to improve data management, monitoring and reporting systems. This enables real-time tracking of vaccination coverage, identifying gaps and making evidence-based decisions.


Innovative approaches to hard-to-reach populations: IMI 4.0 includes innovative approaches to reaching and vaccinating hard-to-reach populations, including mobile vaccination clinics, community outreach programs, and partnerships with community-based organizations.


Anticipated Impact

The intensified Mission Indradhanush 4.0 is expected to have a significant impact on India’s vaccination program and public health outcomes:


Improved immunization coverage: By accelerating the vaccination drive, targeting high priority areas and strengthening routine immunization services, IMI 4.0 aims to increase immunization coverage, ensuring that more children and pregnant women receive life-saving vaccines.


Reduction in vaccine-preventable diseases: The Plan’s efforts to reach underserved populations and strengthen health systems are expected to contribute to reducing the burden of vaccine-preventable diseases, thereby improving health outcomes.


Enhanced Equity: IMI 4.0’s targeted approach and focus on reducing disparities in vaccination coverage aims to promote equity and ensure that vulnerable populations have equitable access to vaccination services.


Stronger health systems: By improving health system components such as infrastructure, workforce capacity, and data management, IMI 4.0 contributes to strengthening the health care system overall, benefiting immunity.


Districts included in Mission Indradhanush


Mission Indradhanush, launched in 2014, aims to achieve full immunization coverage for all children in India by 2020.


The government designated 201 high-focus districts nationwide as part of Mission Indradhanush. These districts were selected based on their low vaccination coverage and high disease burden. The program focused on intensifying vaccination efforts in these districts to accelerate progress towards universal vaccination coverage.

The high-focus districts were spread across various states and union territories of India. The specific districts covered under Mission Indradhanush may vary over time as the program evolved and new phases were introduced. It is important to note that the program aimed to eventually cover all districts of India, but priority was based on identified high-focus districts.

Intensified Mission Indradhanush (IMI) 5.0 launched in Haryana


The government of India agreed to undertake ‘Intensified Mission Indradhanush (IMI) 5.0’ on August 7, 2023, with the goal of increasing immunization coverage for all vaccines included in the National Immunization Schedule, under which the mission’s first phase has already begun. Scheduled for August 7 through August 12, 2023, beginning in Haryana.


key points:

A state government spokesperson said the three phases of ‘IMI 5.0’, scheduled for the months of August, September and October 2023, will be conducted in all the districts of Haryana.

In the first phase, 65000 children aged 0-5 years and 13600 pregnant women will be vaccinated.

The ‘U-WIN (Winning over Immunization) Portal’, which will be used for all data collection and reporting for IMI 5.0, was just introduced by the Government of India, according to a spokeswoman for the organization.


All of Haryana’s districts have begun the first phase of “IMI 5.0.” In most of the districts this campaign has been started by prominent personalities.


The activities of this mission were inaugurated by Moolchand Sharma in District Faridabad, Dr. Banwari Lal, Minister in District Rewari, Omprakash Yadav, Minister in District Narnaul, Haryana Deputy Speaker Ranbir Gangwa in District Hisar.

In additional state districts, such as Bhiwani, Faridabad, Fatehabad, Jind, Kurukshetra, and Rewari


Mission Indradhanush has emerged as a game-changer in India’s vaccination scenario. Through its innovative strategies and tireless efforts, the program has expanded access to life-saving vaccines, especially in remote and underserved areas. The achievements of Mission Indradhanush are a testament to the government’s commitment to improving child and maternal health care. However, there is still work to be done to achieve universal vaccination coverage. Continuous support, awareness and collaborative efforts from all stakeholders are vital to sustain the success of this mission and ensure a healthy future for the children of India.

Frequently Asked Questions about Mission Indradhanush

Answer. Mission Indradhanush is an immunization program launched by the Government of India in 2014. It aims to achieve full immunization coverage for all children and pregnant women in India, especially those in remote and under-served areas.

The main objectives of Mission Indradhanush are:
– To achieve at least 90% immunization coverage across India.
– To immunize children against seven vaccine-preventable diseases: diphtheria, whooping cough (pertussis), tetanus, polio, measles, severe forms of childhood tuberculosis, and hepatitis B.
– To provide immunization services to the hardest-to-reach and under-served populations.

Answer: Mission Indradhanush works through intensified immunization drives in selected districts and blocks with low immunization coverage. These drives involve mobilizing healthcare workers, improving health infrastructure, increasing community awareness, and providing vaccination services at fixed sites and through mobile outreach units.

Answer: Mission Indradhanush provides vaccines for seven diseases: diphtheria, whooping cough (pertussis), tetanus, polio, measles, severe forms of childhood tuberculosis, and hepatitis B. In addition, vaccines for pneumococcal pneumonia and rotavirus diarrhea have been included in certain phases of the program.

Answer: Mission Indradhanush aims to immunize all children up to two years of age and pregnant women against the targeted vaccine-preventable diseases. The program also reaches out to children and pregnant women who have missed routine immunization doses.

Answer: Districts are selected based on their low immunization coverage and high disease burden. Initially, 201 high-focus districts were identified, and the program has expanded to cover additional districts over time.

Answer: Some key achievements of Mission Indradhanush include significant improvements in immunization coverage, particularly in the targeted districts. The program has reached millions of children and pregnant women with life-saving vaccines, reducing the burden of vaccine-preventable diseases.

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